This website is for adults only!

Are you of legal age?

By using the website, I accept the terms and conditions and data protection.

actions Online: 11 GIRLS: 6 BOYS: 1 GROUP: 0 COUPLES: 0 FETISH: 4 Bi: 0
Call me

and use your phone keypad to enter my texid code

09005 375555 83 Conventional phone
1.99 € /min from Deutschen Telekom landlines + mobile fees
Alternatively11851 ask for A600 - 1.99 € /min from Deutschen Telekom landlines + mobile fees

I will give you a key so you can see me.


Webmaster - An overview of your conditions!

Your consideration according to a fulfilled call volume minutes 


For 0-300 fulfilled phone call minutes, the sender gets a consideration from the first minute for up to 300 minutes!

*0.45 euros net (plus 19% VAT)

For more than 301 fulfilled phone call minutes, the sender gets a consideration from the first minute for the entire fulfilled phone call

*0.50 euros net (plus 19% VAT)



Phonesex, the sender gets aconsideration from the first minute for the entire fulfilled phone callminutes!

*0.50 euros net (plus 19% VAT)



Phone Chat, the sender gets a consideration from the first minute for the entire fulfilled phone call minutes!

*0.45 euros net (plus 19% VAT)


Your considerations for coin minutes generated with Camworld and partner programmes!

The 0,70 euros net consideration for coin sales for webmasters.



We offer you a wide range of commission plans!

* You get a share of net sales f nelwly canvassed senders amounting to 0.05 euros net (plus 19% VAT) for each sender minute via your domain.

* You get a 5% share of net sales of newly canvassed webmasers and all subwebmasters, its total sales volumes including its newly canvassed
   senders and its minutes.

(Net debit cannot be considered here since net debit makes a payment of its own.)


Payment of your considerations is usually made 2 weeks after the end of the month.

For further information, please consult our General Terms and Conditons.

